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Earning money from home with data entry jobs

Earning at home with your computer?

There is a lot of homework available what you can do behind your desktop, so you can make very good money with the computer. This form of home work is becoming increasingly popular. Almost everyone has a computer nowadays with an internet connection so the world is just a click away. There are more and more employers who pay people to work from home with data entry jobs. You can also quickly find homework vacancies from home, very handy!


How to earn money from home

There are countless ways how you could earn money with the computer. We have listed them for you so that you have a clear overview.


Complete surveys, write articles and write reviews

Some market research firms pay a lot of money for people who want to write pieces. There are several sites where you can fill in surveys and thus save points. With these points you can request a payment at a certain limit or choose a nice gift (depending on the provider).

You can also make money with the computer by writing informative articles if you know a lot about a certain topic. Some sites give you a nice fee for this.

At betalenemails.nl or for example crazymails.nl is also sometimes asked to write a review on a site, here you earn extra many points.


Some good survey programs

Testing products. You can help with researching products by testing them before they come on the market. You usually get points for this and can exchange them for coupons.


Participate in surveys. You fill in a questionnaire and in this way you save points. You can hand it in for nice presents such as a coffee machine or exchange for gift vouchers.


Opinion country. In opinion countries you work on surveys and you get nice rewards for that. Note, when a campaign has exceeded its monthly limit, the campaign can be taken offline immediately.





Data entry jobs from home. There are also employers who pay you for entering product data in a database. So you add data to an existing catalog. You often find vacancies on several sites, such as onlyremotejobs.com. To be able to do this work on the computer, you have to be able to type properly.