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Information Security Doors

Why should I buy a security door?
Remember to choose a lock with the same level of safety as the door itself.

If you live in an apartment, a security door can be a really good and even vital investment. This can reduce the risk of burglaries, quieter apartments and, above all, significantly better fire protection.

Security doors are more common for apartment owners than homeowners, as there are many other alternative roads in the house, such as a cellar window or patio door. For apartments, the door is often the only way to get in and then a security door can be an effective protection for you, your family and your things.

What is a security door?
A security door is a front door that has been tested and approved according to certain requirements. Often it is made entirely or partly of steel. In addition to the door itself being stronger and better protected, it sits in the door frame in a way that makes it harder to break up.

But nothing is stronger than the weakest link. A safe door that is suspended in a good way nevertheless protects if the lock itself does not maintain the same high standard. Thus, look for a lock that meets the requirements for the security class that the door itself has.

Think about this when choosing a door
When choosing a door, there are several factors that record. In addition to the security classes, which apply to burglary protection, there are also class divisions for soundproofing and fire protection. Also look at how dense the door is against fire and gas, as this is the single biggest cause of death in connection with fires in multi-family houses. There have been cases when the manufacturer described a security door as “tested”, without telling that the door did not actually pass the tests. It may therefore be helpful to check that the door is approved.

For the vast majority, of course, the price is an important factor, but also that the door is stylish and fit in. Security doors are available today from a variety of manufacturers in many different designs, and they can often be customized to match the original door.

Security door provides cheaper home insurance
A security door usually provides a discount on your home insurance as it strengthens the protection of your home. 

If you ever need assistance or advise regarding the locks and doors in your home, please call us. We offer a 24/7 locksmith service and we are your recommended locksmith in The Hague!
